4 Holistic Approaches to Pelvic Pain
Where there is pain there is congestion. When there is an imbalance there is disease.
Your pelvic floor, is jammed packed with organs, muscles, tendons, ligaments, lymph nodes and nerves. An area that requires daily attention with your bowels, bladder and sexual organs. Thus, when your pelvic floor is chronically painful, it creates havoc in your life.
For women who are suffering from endometriosis, menstrual pain, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, childbirth trauma/anxiety, c-section scar adhesions, vaginismus or any other pelvic floor imbalances the holistic approaches of Acupuncture, Mayan Abdominal Therapy, Exercise and Nutrition can relieve your pain.
Men can also greatly benefit from these approaches. Those who have difficulty urinating, erectile dysfunction, chronic prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
These holistic approaches address your pain.
1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture gets energy moving and restores balance. The application of needles, brings blood and energy to the channel that is being addressed. This relives the pain and congestion in the pelvic area.
The pelvis is your emotional storehouse, that retains past traumas and emotional hurts. A holistic and energetic medicine, acupuncture also releases the stored emotional energy in the area.
Acupuncture also helps to regulate your hormones, release muscles tightness and tigger points, relieve stress and improve moods.
2. Mayan Abdominal Therapy
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® is best known for addressing misalignment or congestion in the reproductive organs of both men and women, as well as many common digestive disorders.
This gentle, external approach guides and supports each organ back into its optimal position, allowing for improved function and wellness.The techniques effectively alleviate tissue congestion and organ constriction to improve the vital flows of energy, blood, lymph and nerves in the abdomen and pelvic floor.
3. Exercise
Exercise gets blood and oxygen to all parts of your body. Movement is vital to get your lymphatic system flowing. For your pelvic area it is important to use a roller on your IT band, gluts and hamstrings to open up your fascia to get more blood flow. Exercises like yoga and stretching are great to boost your flexibility and circulation. Deep breathing while you move your body is an essential step in relaxing the muscles of your pelvic floor.
4. Nutrition
Eating the right foods for your body type, makes the world of difference. Certain foods are more inflammatory than others. It is critical to eliminate the ones that cause more congestion like processed sugars and foods. Increase more healthy fats (raw butter, organic olive oil, avocado, seeds – all needed to produce hormones), whole foods and water into your diet.
Pelvic floor pain can be quite challenging and complex and differs from person to person. Thus, individualized care is important to understand what is going on in your body. I deeply go through your health history, diet, lifestyle and along with the Chinese Medicine approach to figure out a treatment plan specific to your needs.
Schedule your free 15 min consultation.