5 Reasons You Need to Detox

Let’s be honest. What do you think of when you think of a detox? I think deprivation. I wouldn’t be able to eat my favorite foods!!  And I have to be at home to be close to the bathroom. It is uncomfortable and doesn’t sound inviting. 

I am here to tell you that there are ways to reboot your health and detox your body without suffering. I am all about simple, gentle and powerful ways to make health shifts without creating havoc in your life. This 21 day cleanse is centered around eating whole foods, drinking water, and eliminating foods and beverages that don’t serve you.  Creating a new rhythm of choosing healthy foods that will become a lifestyle shift. And the bonus is weight loss, more energy, improved digestion and mental clarity. 

5 reasons you need to DETOX 

5 Ways to Detox

1. Improve Your Mood

Are you feeling lethargic? Tired? Brain fog? Digestive Issues? Or just funky?

Your diet and daily nutrition play a big part of on how you feel. 90% of serotonin is created in your digestive system. This neurotransmitter is your feel good chemical that can affect your mood and state of being. Shifting your lifestyle for 21 days will improve your mood. Wake up in the mornings full of energy. Have more mental clarity. And feel better in your body. 

2. Lose Weight 

Want to lose a few pounds? And keep if off. Most of your weight, especially around your gut can be linked to inflammation. Of course diet and exercise play a large role in weight loss. It is important to eat for your individual body type. You can be eating “healthy” foods but can’t lose any weight. A detox program removes the most common inflammatory foods from your diet. SUGAR being one of the most inflammatory foods in our diets. The nutrients from the supplements heal your gut. Giving your body what it needs to heal. 

3. Nip the Cravings 

SUGAR! One of the most addictive substances in the world. Sugar is 8 times more addictive than cocaine. If you are addicted to sugar no judgement, I was too. It can take up to 6 weeks to no longer have cravings for sugar. 21 days of being sugar free can be challenging, but the results are priceless. Cutting out processed sugar, will have PROFOUND positive shifts in the state of your health. More energy, stronger immune system, clearer skin, improved digestive system, stabilizes your moods, and weight loss. Most importantly it is preventative care for diseases such as diabetes 2, liver disease, hypertension, obesity and Alzheimer’s. 

4. Eliminate Food Sensitivities 

Does everything you eat seem to make you bloated and gassy? Your body needs a break. Having digestive issues is a sign that your body is not functioning optimally. And it can be challenging figuring out which foods are causing the problem. Doing a food elimination diet, where you are removing gluten, dairy, nuts, eggs, sugar, caffeine and alcohol gives you a great foundation to start investigating. After the 21 days, you can start incorporating some of your regular foods into your diet. You will start to notice which foods feel good and which ones don’t.

5. Reboot your system 

Suffering from too little sleep? Too much stress? Too much bad foods? Not enough time for yourself? It is a good time to go within, and build a new relationship with yourself. Nourish yourself with good foods, drink lots of water and relax. It is a perfect time to not only detox your physical body, but emotional one as well. Self care. Make a shift in your life. And reach towards your health goals. 

SIGN UP for the cleanse today.